Professional Training
Training will be provided by the HSE’s National DBT Training Team, which was established in 2021 to deliver training and education on DBT to staff in the Irish health service.
The following training modules are available in 2021:
Module 1: Introduction to Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)
Would you like to know more about Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), and how it might help you and your service users?
Module 2: Applying Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Principles in Healthcare
We will provide practical understanding and guidance on how to address these questions. This workshop will introduce the principles which shape behaviour, the concept of dialectics, along with the models and assumptions which underpin DBT. It will also include an applied focus on how these principles are relevant across clinical settings. The training aims to enhance your capacity to effectively support people with emotional dysregulation, in your routine work across healthcare settings.
Prerequisite: Applicants will have completed Module 1: Introduction to DBT.
This one day introductory session will:
• How can I effectively support a person who is in emotional crisis in my routine clinical practice?
• How can I optimise the effectiveness of my clinical engagement with clients with severe emotional dysregulation in my current role?
• How can I better understand the experience of someone with severe emotion dysregulation?
Intended Audience: Interested clinicians employed as mental health professionals in the HSE/HSE-funded agencies, other frontline health workers, and students in mental health settings.
Module 3: Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Group Skills Training
This 3 day training is intended to provide a thorough grounding in the delivery of DBT skills, which will enable you to offer DBT group skills training as part of a comprehensive DBT programme, or as a stand-alone intervention in your service. It will build on modules 1 & 2 of DBT training, with an in-depth focus on teaching the skills contained in each of the core skills domains (mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, interpersonal effectiveness and middle path) and how to lead/co-lead an adherent skills training group. A blend of didactic and experiential learning will be offered, with additional support and follow up afterwards.
• Have completed modules 1 and 2 of DBT training.
• Contributing to the co-ordinated implementation of DBT group skills training interventions in your service.
• Commit to 4 hours per week (minimum) availability to implement DBT skills training, and enhance your practice through DBT consultation.
Intended Audience: Interested clinicians employed as mental health professionals in the HSE/HSE-funded agencies who plan to work as a DBT group skills trainer aligned with a new or existing co-ordinated DBT programme in your service.
Please contact your local DBT Team Leader or HSE Management team DBT liaison.
Module 4: Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Individual Therapy Training
This 4 day training (two blocks of two days) is intended to provide a thorough grounding in the theory and practice of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), which will enable you to offer comprehensive DBT as a member of a DBT team. It will build on modules 1, 2, and 3 of DBT training, with a focus on the structure, strategies and functions involved in DBT individual therapy. Additional teaching on team consultation, and skills generalisation strategies (telephone coaching) are also included. A blend of didactic and experiential learning with follow up mentorship to support practice and implementation will be offered.
Prerequisite: Attendees will have completed modules 1, 2 and 3 of DBT training.
This one day introductory session will:
• How can I effectively support a person who is in emotional crisis in my routine clinical practice?
• How can I optimise the effectiveness of my clinical engagement with clients with severe emotional dysregulation in my current role?
• How can I better understand the experience of someone with severe emotion dysregulation?
Intended Audience: Interested clinicians employed as mental health professionals in the HSE/HSE-funded agencies who plan to join a new or existing DBT team. Attendees will have experience in the provision of psychological therapy (e.g. CBT, family therapy, behaviour therapy, integrative psychotherapy).
Please contact your local DBT Team Leader or HSE Management team DBT liaison.
To attend Modules 1 & 2 please contact To attend further DBT and associated training please contact your local DBT Team Leader or HSE Management team DBT liaison.
Accreditation: For further information on accreditation as a DBT therapist, please review the following link: ACCREDITATION